Action for Children

A national children charity who support disadvantaged children and young people to reach their full potential.

Curious Ostrich Productions

Community film maker specialising in educational and documentary projects but also offers expertise in developing training audio/visual resources, website content and promotional videos.

‘Space to Create’

Pembrokeshire based community arts organisation working on visual arts projects with schools and in the community.

K9 Drug Awareness

A community interest company providing drug education to children, young people and vulnerable groups using the unique method of delivery an operational drugs detection dog.

Young Carers Tool Kit

Tool kit commissioned by the Welsh Government to assist professionals working with Young Carers and Young Adult Carers.

Saul Becker

Leading researcher of the issues and needs of Young Carers.  Downloads of research and publications available.

Pembrokeshire County Council 

Local information on public services, jobs, housing, tourism, leisure, education, planning and transport for residents, visitors and the business community.

Children’s Commissioner for Wales

Keith Towler is the Children’s Commissioner for Wales. Keith’s job is to stand up and speak out for children and young people. He works to make sure that children and young people are kept safe and that they know about and can access their rights.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international agreement that protects the human rights of children under the age of 18.  The UNCRC was ratified by the UN General Assembly in 1989 and on 16th December 1991, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland formally agreed to make sure that every child in the UK has all the rights as listed in the convention. The Welsh Assembly Government has shown its commitment to the convention by adopting it as the basis for policy making for children and young people in Wales in 2004.

Children in Wales

Children in Wales is the national umbrella children’s organisation in Wales, bringing organisations and individuals together.

Young Sibs

The first ever UK-wide online service for young siblings of disabled children.

Pembrokeshire Sibling Group

Project offering support to siblings of disabled children in Pembrokeshire.

Life Coach Directory

Life Coach Directory raises awareness of coaching and to enable visitors to find the most suitable qualified coach for their needs. Coaching is the process of guiding a person from where they are to where they want to be, and can address a range of areas including emotional health, family coaching and personal development.

Sunshine Support 

Provide independent information, advice and support to parents/carers and professionals of children and young people with special educational needs including downloadable resources. 

Wellbeing Apps.

Parents support AFC

Sound Minds